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Service Contracting Software

Simplify Contract Processes

Managing contracts and obtaining signatures can be a time-consuming process in the home services industry. Capsule's E-Signature feature offers a seamless solution, allowing you to create, send, and track contracts electronically.
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Peter H.

What is E-Signature Software?
And why you need it.

E-Signature solutions, such as Capsule's E-Signature feature, allow businesses to create, send, and obtain electronic signatures on documents and contracts. By digitizing the signature process, E-Signature solutions streamline contract management, reduce paperwork, and accelerate deal closure, improving efficiency and productivity.
Work Smarter

Effortless Contract Creation

Capsule's E-Signature feature simplifies contract creation with customizable templates and intuitive editing tools. Create professional contracts tailored to your business needs, complete with terms, conditions, and signature fields, in just a few clicks.

Secure Electronic Signatures

Say goodbye to paper-based signatures and delays in contract execution. Capsule's E-Signature feature enables clients to sign contracts electronically from any device, eliminating the need for printing, scanning, and mailing. Ensure security and compliance with legally binding electronic signatures.

Real-Time Contract Tracking

Stay informed about the status of your contracts with Capsule's real-time tracking capabilities. Monitor when contracts are sent, viewed, and signed by clients, and receive notifications accordingly. Keep deals moving forward with visibility into your contract pipeline.

Common Questions

How does Capsule's E-Signature feature work?
Capsule's E-Signature feature allows you to create contracts electronically, complete with signature fields for clients to sign. Contracts are sent to clients via email, where they can review and sign the document electronically from any device. Once signed, contracts are securely stored within the platform for easy access and reference.
Are electronic signatures legally binding with Capsule?
Yes, electronic signatures obtained through Capsule's E-Signature feature are legally binding and comply with industry regulations, including the Electronic Signatures in Global and National Commerce (ESIGN) Act and the Uniform Electronic Transactions Act (UETA). Ensure security and compliance with legally recognized electronic signatures.
Can I track the status of contracts sent through Capsule's E-Signature feature?
Absolutely! Capsule provides real-time tracking of contract status, allowing you to monitor when contracts are sent, viewed, and signed by clients. Stay informed about the progress of your contracts and take proactive steps to follow up as needed.
Is it easy for clients to sign contracts electronically with Capsule?
Yes, Capsule's E-Signature feature offers a user-friendly experience for clients, allowing them to sign contracts electronically from any device with just a few clicks. Eliminate the hassle of printing, scanning, and mailing contracts, and provide clients with a convenient and efficient signing process.
Can I customize contract templates with Capsule's E-Signature feature?
Yes, Capsule's E-Signature feature allows you to create customizable contract templates tailored to your business needs. Add terms, conditions, and signature fields to create professional contracts that reflect your brand identity and preferences.

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