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Service Quoting Software

Elevate Your Quoting Process.

We understand that creating accurate and compelling quotes is crucial for winning new business and fostering client trust.
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Peter H.

What is Service Quoting Software?
And why you need it.

Service quoting software, such as Capsule, is a specialized tool designed to streamline and optimize the process of creating, sending, and tracking quotes for service-oriented businesses. By leveraging advanced features and automation, service quoting software empowers businesses to generate accurate quotes, improve client communication, and ultimately win more business.
Work smarter

Effortless Quote Creation

With Capsule, generating professional quotes has never been easier. Our intuitive interface allows you to create customized quotes tailored to each client's specific needs and preferences. From itemized pricing to personalized messaging, Capsule puts the power of effective quoting in your hands.
Grow faster

Streamlined Quote Sending and Tracking

Say goodbye to manual follow-ups and guesswork. Capsule's quoting feature enables you to send quotes directly to clients with just a few clicks. Track the status of your quotes in real-time, receive instant notifications upon viewing, and seamlessly manage quotes from creation to conversion.
Keep customers in the know

Client Communication

Keep the conversation flowing and close deals faster with Capsule's integration with popular client communication channels. Send quotes via email or SMS directly from the platform, ensuring timely delivery and facilitating quick responses from clients.

Common Questions

How do I create quotes with Capsule?
Creating quotes with Capsule is a simple process. Navigate to the Quotes section, click "New Quote," and fill in the necessary details, including client information, items/services, and pricing. Customize the quote to align with your branding and client requirements, and then save or send it directly from the platform.
Can I track the status of my quotes with Capsule?
Yes, Capsule provides real-time tracking of quote status. You can monitor when the quote is viewed by the client and receive instant notifications accordingly. Stay informed about pending quotes and follow up promptly to increase conversion rates.
Is it possible to customize quote templates in Capsule?
Absolutely! Capsule allows for complete customization of quote templates to reflect your brand identity and messaging. Tailor templates to match your company's aesthetics and ensure a consistent brand experience across all client interactions.
Does Capsule integrate with other communication channels for sending quotes?
Capsule seamlessly integrates with various communication channels, including email and SMS. Send quotes directly from the platform via email or SMS, ensuring quick delivery and easy access for clients.
Can I convert quotes into invoices with Capsule?
Yes, Capsule simplifies the process of converting quotes into invoices. With just a few clicks, you can seamlessly transition approved quotes into invoices, streamlining your billing process and saving time on manual data entry.
Is there a limit to the number of quotes I can create in Capsule?
Capsule offers flexible quote creation capabilities, allowing you to generate as many quotes as needed to support your business operations. There are no predefined limits on the number of quotes you can create, ensuring scalability as your business grows.

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